Books from Del Hayes Press
Dispatches from Del
“…the bravest of the brave…”
How my cousin Eugene Peck inspired our latest addition, the incredible Bravest of the Brave series of biographies of all 62 USAF Medal of Honor recipients.
It Was a Very Good Year
Having reached eighty-seven, I compareD each “very good year” of the song to my own.
Requiem for a Dear Companion
As we typically experience it, a requiem is a grand musical composition meant to honor a deceased person, but the more memorable instances were composed in memory of, and to honor the death of, Jesus Christ. Works such as the famous Mozart and Brahms Requiems, and the massive Grande Messe des Morts of Berlioz, are […]
There was no king in Israel
“In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Two statements worthy of reflection. The first statement is the concluding verse from the Book of Judges, seventh book of the Old Testament of […]
Because You Add Sparkle To My Life
In two weeks, we celebrate Christmas, 2021. There are as many reasons to celebrate that annual rebirth of our spirit of giving as there are people doing so. But, given the traumas of this Year of our Lord, 2021, its passing will also be celebrated by many. For me, however, Christmas of 2021 is especially […]
Does It Ever Stop Hurting?
There is a Facebook group that calls itself “The View From My Window.” It features appealing, pleasing photos of a variety of scenes and locales, taken out a window by members of the group. Although I am not a member of that group, some of the pictures taken show up on my page, and I […]
Do not go gentle into that good night
Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Those are the lines Dylan Thomas, the Welsh poet, begins perhaps his most famous, and unnamed, poem, written in 1947. It was suggested that Dylan wrote the poem for his dying […]
Once to Every Man and Nation
Once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide…
Yesterday, When I Was Young…
Sometimes, in the least likely of places and at the least likely time, life causes me to wonder. One such time was yesterday, and the place was the scrap metal yard in a small town in central Maine, about ten miles from where I now live with daughter, Deb, and grandkids. And as I did, […]
On Being Ruth
We can be “ruthless,” but can we be “ruth?”