Beverly Brown Title, Ph.D.
Beverly Title was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida. She grew up in the segregated South and found a passion for social justice in the Civil Rights Era. A widow at age 24, she migrated to Colorado where she has since lived.
She worked many years as an alternative school educator who championed students that were not succeeding in school. She distinguished herself as an educator winning recognition for her innovative approaches. In 1987 she received her Ph.D. at the University of Colorado in Boulder in Education with a specialization in peace and conflict studies. She developed one of the first national bullying prevention programs and continues to be interested in that topic. In 1994 she cofounded the nonprofit Teaching Peace and in 1996 the Longmont Community Justice Partnership (LCJP). A leader in the restorative justice (RJ) field she and her programs have received awards and recognition for excellence.
In 2009, Dr. Title stepped down as head of Teaching Peace and LCJP and returned to her education roots. With her new organization, ReSolutionaries, Inc, she now focuses on brining restorative justice practices to schools and other communities. Her next book, now in the planning stages, will be about RJ in Schools.
Teaching Peace: A Restorative Justice Framework for Strengthening Relationships
Teaching Peace introduces restorative justice with the story of how one community embraced this ancient practice and used it to transform their approach to justice - and found a framework for living rich and meaningful lives. By using restorative principles in daily life, we can learn to prevent most conflicts and resolve those that do occur in a way that honors the dignity of all parties. The 5 R's are a gateway to enhance relationships with family, friends, neighbors and coworkers.